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Practical Tips to Help You Adjust to Life With a Newborn

Practical tips to help you adjust to life with a newborn | Newborn Care

Have you recently brought a new baby home from the hospital? Or perhaps you’re in your final trimester of pregnancy and are planning on welcoming your newborn into the world soon. This is a time of big change and it’s normal to feel a little bit anxious about what your life will look like with your new addition. Life with a newborn is a learning experience and while there are many joys associated with it, there can be some hurdles to overcome, too. Here are some practical tips to help you adapt well to life with a baby.

Set guidelines that work for you and your family.

Bringing a new baby into the world is such an exciting time and the people you love will want to celebrate that and meet the baby. It’s likely that you’ll get lots of requests to come over and see the new baby, but it’s important to have some guidelines in place around that. One way to do that is to set up a ‘visitation time’ for people to come and meet the baby. Don’t try to flex around their schedules and what’s convenient for them – instead, tell them what works best for you. If you would rather not have visitors right away, that’s okay too. Most people will understand that you are going through a big adjustment and will look forward to meeting the baby when things settle down.

Keep communication going.

You might feel a bit like a zombie going through those first days and weeks, but despite that, it’s important to communicate about your needs and how you’re feeling – especially with your partner. Be patient, voice any concerns, frustrations, or needs that you have in a respectful way. Stuffing your feelings for a long time will just lead to frustration or even bigger problems later. Remember that you are both transitioning into your role as parents and you’re a team.

Keep grace at the forefront of your mind.

Becoming a parent is huge and sometimes it might feel harder than you expected. Don’t pressure yourself to do it all or be everything to everyone. This time is about bonding with your baby, establishing new routines, and getting used to life as a mother or father. Your house doesn’t have to be perfect. The laundry doesn’t have to be all done, and your meals don’t all need to be homemade. Give yourself grace each step of the way, prioritizing your own mental health and wellbeing as you go.

Make a plan for sleep.

Sleep deprivation comes with the territory of your new parenthood journey. You’ll find yourself getting up at all hours of the night sometimes and as you find your new rhythm, you’ll probably feel very tired. So, make a plan for your sleep. Try to nap during the day as your baby sleeps. Rotate getting up with your partner during the night so you can each have a solid stretch of restorative sleep. Or consider having someone you trust take care for the baby for a few hours so you can both sleep.

Ask for help if you need it.

If you’re not used to asking and accepting help, now is the perfect time to practice that. Maybe it’s asking for some meals for the first few weeks, help with laundry or babysitting while you rest, grocery shopping, or housework. Or maybe you want to get out with your partner for a quick coffee date or for lunch. If there are people that you love and trust offering to help during this time of transition, learn how to say ‘yes’ sometimes. This will help lighten the load and help you as you find your new normal routine.

Becoming a new parent is a wonderful and exciting time! Your new little bundle is a gift that requires lots of love and care. Keep in mind that you and your partner require love and care during this time, too – and following these simple steps can help ensure you have the foundation to be the best parent you can be.

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