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How to Manage Colic, Reflux, and Other Common Newborn Issues

Caring for a newborn can be a challenging experience, especially for first-time parents. One of the biggest challenges is dealing with colic, reflux, and other common issues that can cause discomfort and distress for the baby and the parents.
Olivia Quilty
By Olivia Quilty, NCS
Updated Jul 11, 2024 | 2 Minute Read

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Tummy Troubles

Colic is when a baby cries for long periods, especially in the late afternoon and evening. This condition is a normal and common issue for many newborns, and it can be difficult for parents to manage.

Reflux is another common issue for newborns. The baby spits up frequently due to the relaxed muscle between the stomach and esophagus.

To manage colic and reflux, parents can try the following:

  1. Hold your baby upright after feeding. Doing so can help reduce the risk of reflux.
  2. Offer a pacifier. Sucking can help soothe a baby and reduce colic symptoms.
  3. Try a baby massage. Gentle massage can help calm a fussy baby and reduce colic symptoms.
  4. Consider using a baby carrier. Carrying your baby close to your body can help soothe them and reduce colic symptoms.
  5. Try a white noise machine. White noise can help distract a baby and reduce colic symptoms.

In addition to colic and reflux, there are several other common issues that newborns can experience, such as jaundice, cradle cap, and diaper rash. Parents can manage these issues through simple measures such as sunlight therapy for jaundice, regular scalp massages for cradle cap, and keeping the diaper area clean and dry for diaper rash.

Parents must remember that colic, reflux, and other common newborn issues are regular and temporary. With the proper care and management, these issues resolve, and the baby and the parents can find relief.

If you’re struggling to manage your newborn’s colic, reflux, or other common issues, don’t hesitate to contact a pediatrician or newborn care specialist for additional support and guidance. They can help you develop a care plan for your baby and family.

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